"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Take My Children, Please

On Sunday after church, a friend asked me if she could take my children to a family birthday party.

It's not often people volunteer to take four children, so I said, "Sure!"

Normally, in this situation, I would ask, "When do I need to pick them up?" I'm hoping that's what came out, 'cause what I was thinkin' in my head was more like, "How long can you keep them?"

Don't get me wrong. I love, love, love my boys, but a girl can only handle so much noise (and dirt)!

Honestly, at times, these boys are just a mystery to me.

Could someone please tell me how a child with shoes on his feet can come in from playing outside with socks that look like he walked through a muddy garden?

My laundry looks like we're in the landscaping business.

Why do they feel the need to get the bat when they see a mouse in the yard and go screaming like a maniac? And why must they stomp on harmless little caterpillars?

And finally, why after I've just fed them a fabulous dinner twenty minutes ago do they come looking for something to eat, whining about how starved they are? Where do they put it?

I'll probably never quite "get it", being a girl and all.

After a week of soccer games, noise, baseball practices, laundry, school plays, soccer practices, dirt, soccer pictures, fighting, baseball pictures, and baseball games, this mommy just needs a little break from all the testosterone in the house.

So, yes, please! Take my children - anytime!

I would feel remiss not to mention the proud mommy moments (the little drippings in my day) that help me see past all the craziness of my week, that help the noise not seem so noisy and the dirt not quite so filthy.

Bennett sat on his first bike and beamed from ear to ear. He didn't even care that it didn't go anywhere. (We still have some work to do on pedaling.)

Ellis was "Herb" in his school play. He had all his lines memorized. He made mommy very proud.

Aidan narrated his class play. He did an excellent job!

Siah mowed the yard all by himself for the first time. He used the tractor and did a great job.

(He also volunteered to mow our Youth Diretcor's yard for free while he is on sabbatical this summer. He said he just wanted to do it for them to be helpful.)

There really are bright moments among all the chaos. So to be truthful, if you took them, I'd have to hunt you down.


  1. Oh my goodness. How blessed you are!
    BTW I love the last picture of Bennett!
    He is SO cute! They are ALL so cute. :D


  2. Oh my goodness. How blessed you are!
    BTW I love the last picture of Bennett!
    He is SO cute! They are ALL so cute. :D

