"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

~ A Look at Door County

We had a great week in Door County.

We did a little of this...

and a little of that...

and a lot of this...

As a matter of fact, if we weren't doing those things, we were either sleeping (we slept alot) or looking for another adventure. (More on those another day.)

We saw ducks, fish, deer, wild turkeys, mini horses, baby horses, pheasants, and other wildlife.

And when I got a few moments to escape with my camera, I took pictures of some of my favorite Door County spots.

Located in Fish Creek, Wild Tomato is the best pizza on the peninsula - yum!

This church stands guard over the little village of Ephraim as you come over the hill into town. It is a breathtaking picture. Unfortunately, my shot doesn't do it justice.

Wilson's is one of our favorite places to go for ice cream and a favorite of the summer regulars.

The Cana Island Lighthouse - my favorite. It overlooks Lake Michigan and sits offshore on a secluded little island.

Anderson Dock and the famous graffiti wall

Lautenbach's Orchard Country Winery and Market and the Door County Trolley

There was so much to see. My eyes were in heaven.

The countryside was beautiful and so peaceful.

The white birch against the blue sky were stunning.

The orchards were in full bloom.

There were little stone walls all over the place.

This is the famous curvacious road leading to the tip of the peninsula at Gil's Rock.

Could the barns be any more beautiful?

If you've never visited the quaint little villages of "The Door", as the locals call it, nestled between the rocky shores of Green Bay on its west side...

and the beautiful sand beaches of the great Lake Michigan on its east side...

You should difinitely add it to your list of places to visit, or you can come back here everyday this week to see it through my eyes.

It's one of my favorite places!

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