"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

We've Re-written the Creation Story

We've had sickness, lots and lots of sickness

Doctor's appointments

Strep Tests

Fever, lots and lots of fever


We've had sports, lots and lots of sports.

We've had end of the year activities.

I am losing my mind.

I fall into bed dead tired.

Two-and-a-half more days of school.

Can I get us all through it?

Hopefully we can settle into that wonderful, comfortably lazy new summer schedule soon. (I promise I'll post more when we do.)

Here's a little conversation that made me smile.

Actually, it made us all laugh out loud.

We needed the laughter.

Aidan: (pulling this question out of thin air) Mom, what day was it on the first day?

Mom: What do you mean? Do you mean the very first day ever?

Ellis: (attempting to clarify for Aidan as he usually does) You know when Adam and that other person were there.

Mom: (aghast that my child couldn't seem to come up with the name of the second person ever created) Who was that other person, Ellis? Adam and ....?

Ellis: (said just as confidently and seriously as he could) DAVE!

Mom: (not one to normally speak sarcastically to my children) Yep! That's it, Adam and Dave.

Everyone: (loud laughter)

Ellis: Well, I knew it started with "ave".

Even when he's not trying, he makes us laugh out loud!

I love that about him.

(Just a side note: He's the only one who hasn't been sick all week.)

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