"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

~ For the Adventurer in All of Us

While we were in Door County, we decided to go exploring. We set off in search of Cave Point. I had seen beautiful pictures in a magazine and wanted to see it for myself. We found it in the southern part of "The Door" along the Lake Michigan shore. I was not disapponted.

It was stunning.

We climbed down to the shore and discovered why they call it Cave Point. There were caves on the shore and caves in the water.
The rocky shoreline was the perfect place to entertain a bunch of boys.

They climbed.

They explored.

They fished (with their sticks).

And I was fine as long as we were down here.

But when we climbed back up to the top to explore the woods, I hyperventilated anytime anyone went close to the edge.

All I could see was one of my children plummeting to their death. It didn't seem to bother anyone else. Why do mommies have to carry the burden?

The woods were just as fun. They climbed trees and had competitions. Ken promised whoever crossed a fallen tree first without falling off that he would give them the smallest bill in his wallet. (Obviously, he did not consult his wife.) He gave Aidan a ten dollar bill for being the winner. I'm just grateful it wasn't a hundred. (They think he's the coolest dad in the world. Of course, so do I!)

We had a great day. Everyone had so much fun and, when I wasn't having panic attacks, so did I. As we headed to the car, I stopped to read the Park sign right beside our car. Apparently, I had missed it on the way in. It read something like, "No children allowed without supervision. Dangerous conditions exisit." See, mommies know these things! It's a good thing I hadn't seen it at the beginning of the day. We just may have missed our favorite adventure.
If you've never been to Cave Point, next time you are in the area, take the kids - and some valium.
You won't regret it!

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