"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Little Transformation

A while back, I found this interesting vase(?) at Goodwill. I wasn't sure what it was but it was really cool. It only cost $4. I was pretty sure it could be pretty in my bedroom with a little work, so I snatched it up. Then I turned the corner for the next aisle and found an intriguing little piece of iron. It looked like a lid to something and was marked 95 cents. I bought it also. I forgot to take a before picture, but here's one in mid transformation.

The carved piece was a dark brown raw wood and the cage-looking thing was black. The lid piece was sort of a goldish bronze color. Here's what it looks like now in my bedroom after a coat of creamy white paint and some dried hydrangeas.