"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Total Humiliation

Remember these?

Photo from here

I'm thinking about gettin' me one of these.

If I don't, someone may get hurt.

Someone has a habit of running away.

Remember this troublemaker cutie.

At church today, I sat in the Parenting Room because this young man had a hard time letting go of daddy's neck in the nursery. There were tears. There was drama!This Parenting Room is set aside for moms and dads of little ones who may disrupt the service and is located just off the main corridor where our auditorium and cafe are.

Little man, the twins and I were enjoying watching daddy preach on the TV, and he kept saying, "I want see daddy," (said just like that). When someone opened the door to go out, he saw his opportunity, and he shot out of the room like a cat with his tail on fire. He ran straight through the cafe where a smattering of people had chosen to watch the service and all the way through the lobby past those that had lingered after 1st service, laughing and squealing all the way. One of his brothers yelled, "I'm on it," and took off running to go catch him. When I finally caught up to them (in my high heels), I practically had to drag little man back to the room while he screamed in a loud voice, "I want daddy!" And yes, I had to walk back through the lobby and the cafe with all the smiling faces. There were snickers. There were giggles.

I'm so grateful the auditorium doors were closed because he knew exactly where daddy was and was determined to get there. I had visions of him sprinting down the aisle in the middle of the service screaming, "Hi, Daddy," all the way to the stage.

If that wasn't bad enough, he did it again at lunch. We took a guest pastor friend of ours from Romania to lunch after church. We were enjoying our lunch when all of a sudden he took off again. Our dear friend from Romania sprinted out of his chair to chase our little one all the way to the front door. Welcome to America, Mihai!

Anybody have any ideas on how to cure a runaway habit?

'Cause I'm not sure my ideas are legal!

Photo from here.

This post is part of the Moms' 30-Minute Blog Challenge.


  1. Ha! ha! I had my little two year old go running up the isle a few months ago when daddy was preaching! Oh-embarassment!!! Fortunately, it was on Sunday night, so there were way fewer people!

  2. LOL! Sorry no advice just wanted to say that your story made me smile. :-) Saw your blog on Steady mom.

  3. I am answering your question on my blog about what my hubby did w/ our two year old running up the isle.....I don't remember exactly-but he said something funny & everyone laughed-he's really good on his feet like that!

  4. Oh-& I had to run up the isle & get him!

  5. Aw, little one loves his daddy! I am not against the leash, but I'll warn you that a precocious, smart toddler can get out of them in seconds. Believe me, I know from experience. ;)

  6. Hay 30 minute mom - I have no solution, but you gave me a chuckle - you sure crafted a vision with your post!!! Have a good week!!!
