"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Tiny Winter Break

This past weekend my hubby and I took the boys on an overnight to this beautiful hotel on Lake Michigan.

The boys didn't have school on Monday, so Sunday after church, we packed everyone up and headed over to the lake for the night. We try to go every year. We love it! My favorite part is the sound of the waves hitting the rocky shoreline - so peaceful!
This is the view right outside our condo door.

Ken's favorite part is the enormous large screen TV in the condo!
The kids favorite part is this...

The pool was right next to our condo, but we drove so the kids wouldn't freeze coming home with wet suits. This is Bennett helping Daddy drive to the pool.

I noticed he was playing with the keys. Then I noticed the keys weren't in the ignition and we were driving! Is that supposed to happen?

This is Ellis headed to the pool. We're usually here in summer so his outfit made me laugh!
We ended the trip with a freezing cold silly string battle on the beach in our swimsuits! Let me rephrase that. The boys ended the trip with a freezing cold silly string battle on the beach in their swimsuits! I'm no idiot! (Pretty funny looking, but they had a blast!)

The kids did not say one word on the trip home - literally. They were exhausted! Josiah ate dinner and went to bed at 6:15 p.m. The quiet ride and the early-to-bed were well worth the cost of the hotel, the late night pizza run and the ridiculously expensive lunch at the snack bar that day! (These boys are eating me out of house and home and condo!) I'd do it again in a heartbeat! As my children say all the time, "Ahhhh - fun times!" (usually said with head thrown back and a giggle in the voice)

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