"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Have a Confession to Make

This is our cat.

Our friend.

Our little bundle of joy.

Our children's playmate.

Last night I tried to kill her!

It was late.

I was tired.

She needed food.

So I started to feed her.

While I was feeding her, I was telling my husband I was concerned for one of our children who hasn't been able to focus lately. Who's been easily distracted. Who's been making silly mistakes. Who's not been paying attention enough. Who's been forgetting to do his chore before school which is why the cat is hungry in the first place.

As I'm about to put the scoop of food in her bowl, I realize I'm about to feed her dishwashing detergent!

I mean, come on, you've done it, too, right?

Anyone could confuse this...

...with this, right?

They sit right next to each other under my sink.

I mean, sure, she drops huge clumps of cat hair all over my house.

Sure, she meows just as I'm putting the baby in his crib sound asleep.

Sure, she leaves dead things at our bedroom doors so we know she's protecting us at night!

Sure, she lies right on top of my clean black shirts and sweaters.

Sure, she likes to wake you up by sitting on your head.

Nobody deserves what I almost did to her.

I didn't mean to!

It wasn't personal!

I haven't been able to focus lately. I've been a little distracted. I've been making silly mistakes. I haven't been paying attention enough. I've been forgetting everything!

On the brighter side, I've never put catfood in the dishwasher!

In my own defense, let me just say one more time (you've heard it before)...


But I'm going to be fine because this weekend, I'm going to a cabin in the snowy woods with my friends.

I will rest. I will renew my strength. I will focus my thoughts.

I will come back a better wife and mommy and cat owner!

(We'll see!)

But just in case, I'm sleeping with my eyes open the next two nights!

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