"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Friday, April 9, 2010

~ Country Roads, Take Me Home

Here are just a few of the reasons yesterday's snowstorm was so hard. I had just spent 10 days enjoying Springtime in Tennessee in my hometown:

The trees were magnificent.

Bradford Pears lined driveways and properties...

and the Weeping Cherry Trees were a fountain of pink profusion.

There was color everywhere.

The tulips and daffodils were blooming...

the woods were full of redbuds...

the grass was like a green carpet...

and the forsythia was like sunshine spilling over.

No matter where you looked, you could see mountains in the distance.

Here are some of the special moments from my trip:

Swimming in the hometown pool with cousins

My four boys with my sister's kids

Saying goodbye to my childhood pastor (He passed away while we were home.)

Hiking at Old Stone Fort with the boys, Aunt Lori and Christopher (beautiful)

Sittin' in the driveway (You had to be there!)

Hugging a friend I haven't seen in 20 years

Running into another friend at the store

Having a day to myself to shop and wander while the kids stayed with Granny and Aunt Lori

Enjoying Happy Hour at Sonic way too many times

Watching my children hug my grandmother and watching their eyes light up when she asks if they would like a piece of candy (Funny - I used to get a piece of peppermint and they get a whole Reeses Peanut Butter cup candy bar!)

Watching my nieces and nephews use thier gifts - Elizabeth singing, Christine''s beautiful solo, Jonathon's amazing monologue, and Ethan's acting

Hunting Easter eggs with all the cousins

(1st row) Christopher, Aidan, Ellis, and Andrew (2nd row) Faith, Emily, Andrew, Siah, Ethan (3rd row) Christine, Bennett, Elizabeth (not pictured: Jonathon & Hannah)

Watching my brothers organize a game of kick ball with 8 children under the age of 8 who didn't know how to play (pretty funny)

And the best part:

Spending Easter Sunday with my parents and all my brothers and sisters and all their kids (The only one missing was my husband.)

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