"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Too Much Testosterone cont...

I couldn't believe what came out of my children's mouths today.

While picking up my oldest from school, we learned from another mother that there had been an unidentified driver in a certain vehicle driving near the school where my twins go offering children candy. When we arrived at their school to pick them up, we did not see them right away. As we were looking for them, I hear the oldest mumble under his breath in a spooky voice, "They've been taken." I immediately launched into the "That's not funny and I better never hear you joke like that again" speech.

Later, while having dinner, one of the younger boys asked, "If you swallowed a squeaky boot and then had the hiccups, would the hiccups have a squeak?"

I saved the best for last. Also at the dinner table, my sweet, sweet third child asked with a smile on his face, "Mom, if you toot, would you see a bubble if you pulled down your pants?" I almost choked!

Where do they get this stuff? I'm sure the younger two were searching for some scientific explanation for sound waves and gasses. As for the oldest, being a middle schooler pretty much sums it up (that and an occasional desire to be an only child).

Just to make sure I hadn't forgotten that I'm destined for a lifetime of boy humor, my oldest informed me just before bed that he knows how to do the "butt" hop. (I prefer 'bottom". It's more polite.) He then proceeded to do it.

Somebody help me, PLEASE!

Here is more proof that my boys are all boy!

Stomping in puddles

Wrestling, always wrestling
Turning anything into a weapon

Strawberry Pickin'?????