"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

~ Why We Allow Name Calling

I came home with a trunk full of groceries the other night. I was tired from all the day's activities, and it was almost bedtime. I probably wasn't in the best mood.

I'm just sayin'!

My children came spilling out the door to help unload the car, and one of them, the funny middle child, exclaimed with hand to forehead in a respectful (or maybe it was disrespectful) salute, "Joboaidanson reporting for duty, sir!"

I almost doubled over laughing.

Let me explain.

I grew up, a product of a mother who had too many children to call us by the correct name. (Well, it's true mom!) I can't remember how many times she called me Keith. Then there were the times she had to go through the whole list, and since I was last in line, I got called by everyone's name (or at least by the first sound of everyone's name).

I could never really understand. There were only four of us. Is it that hard to remember the names of the children to whom you gave life? To whom you carried and nurtured for nine months?

I'm grown up now.


So recently, after going through the list of the four names of my own children to get to the correct one my brain was searching for, I had a brilliant idea.

Why not just come up with one name that would cover all of them!

That night at dinner, we had many good chuckles as we each came up with what we thought was the best name for the four of them.

And "Joboaidanson" was born!

Jo - for Josiah

Bo - for Bennett or any of the hundred nicknames we call him (Benny BoBo)

Aidan - for Aidan (of course)

Son - for Ellison

See! They're all covered.

So when my middle child reported for duty at the car the other night, I had visions of my husband standing in the kitchen yelling, "Joboaidanson, go help your mother unload the groceries."

Apparently, it really does work because all four of them came to my rescue.

If mom had just had a similar name, maybe I could have been spared all the pain and struggle that goes with poor self-esteem and feeling unloved. (Just kidding mom!) Allow me to suggest a couple that I think would have worked wonderfully (my siblings were Mark, Keith, Lori and Karen):



Makloren (my personal favorite)

For those moments when you just can't seem to get the right name from your brain to your lips, I highly recommend using one name. Ours is serving us well!

1 comment:

  1. My mom did the same thing! Most often what came out when she was talking to Ann and me was something that sounded like Aunt Jane!

    I remember I used to ask your mom questions about how things were when all you kids were little. She would often just shake her head and say...."I just don't remember." At the time I couldn't understand. Now with just 2 of my own, I TOTALLY get it:)
