"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Country Girl Wannabe

Sometimes I dream of living in the country,

having a big old farm house with lots of land for the kids to roam,

having a big garden where they can snack on fresh veggies while we gather the day's harvest,

having fresh flowers in every room in my house picked from my own flower garden,

having my man come home from a long day in the field to a wonderful home-cooked meal,

and having my children fall into bed dead tired from working with the animals all day long.

Ok, I know! I wouldn't last very long. Who am I kidding? I don't even like the garden once the mosquitoes come out, but a girl can dream.

While we don't have fields to plow (for which I am grateful), I am quite happy most of the time with the beautiful garden my husband keeps. (We argue over whose garden it is. After all, it is my design, but since he does all the work, we'll call it his.)

We can't ever seem to harvest enough from the garden for a whole meal because my children eat the strawberries and the asparagus and the pea pods (and even the onions sometimes) faster than we can pick them. (I complain about it, but I love it actually.)

I do love the few flowers that I am able to keep alive...

...and the ones that just come back on their own every year with no work on my part.

And the closest things we have to livestock is a cat who thinks she rules the house...

...and the occasional critter that is unlucky enough to be catured in the yard.

We do use every opportunity to teach the kids about nature and life and our Creator. Like with this little fellow. Ken made everyone hold him for five seconds just so they would feel the texture of his skin (or maybe it was just to watch them squirm). When we were all done, I said, "OK, did everyone hold him?" They were quick to announce that mom hadn't, so of course I took a turn. (Yuck!)

Come to think of it, I think I'm pretty fond of my little plot of land in the country in the city on the edge of town where we do life together.

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