"... we are always harking back to some occasion which seemed to us to reach perfection, setting that up as a norm, and depreciating all other occasions by comparison. But these other occasions, I now suspect, are often full of their own new blessing, if only we would lay ourselves open to it. " (C. S. Lewis)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

~ Memories of Camp

My oldest left for Snow Blast last Friday.

It's a youth retreat our church hosts every year in the North woods of Wisconsin.

Over 150 kids filled our coach bus

our faithful school bus

our mini bus

and at least five Minivan/SUV's.

It was a lot of luggage

a lot of kids

and thankfully, a lot of chaperones.

It brought back many memories of my own times at camp as a kid:

- Getting to see great friends from around the state every summer (We kind of grew up together.)

- Going to chapel every night

- Wondering which boy would ask you to sit with him at banquet on Thursday night

- Waking at least once during the week to find the big bell missing from its resting place (those crazy boys)

- Watching all those cute boys play baseball down in the field (I was a bit boy crazy - ok, a lot)

- Showing up to banquet one year in a sailor dress and realizing at least six of us had the same idea (and one of the others was the exact same dress as mine)

- Having a young man make a grand gesture by sneaking out of his dorm, running over to the other side of camp just to tap on my window and say goodnight (makes a girl feel special - makes the counselors crazy)

- Wondering who was brave enough to go hang out in the cemetery after curfew (not me - I was chicken!)

Now that I am an adult, I look back on the pure, innocent fun we had at camp, and I am thankful for all the adults that showed up every year to make sure we had a fun and safe environment to make new friends, have fun, and grow in our faith.

Mostly, I am grateful that Christ chose to make himself real to me in that place, surrounded by loving adults and special friends, and that I surrendered my life to Him there so very long ago. I don't really remember any specific sermons, but I remember the moment I said, "Yes, I'll follow you forever."

I hope my son makes many special memories at camp.

I hope he has tons of fun in the snow.

I hope he finds many special friends and recognizes the caring adults who sacrifice for him.

But mostly, I pray that in all the noise and excitement and adventure,

in all the new experiences and new friends,

when the moment comes,

I pray he hears His Savior's voice calling him to something deeper and richer.

And I pray he says, "Yes!"

1 comment:

  1. I remember too. I even met my wife at the same campground. It's a very special place, at least to me.
