My husband is traveling down south with my boys.
He's been sending me pictures of places that were special to us as children,
special to our families,
special to us as we were falling in love.
And quite frankly, I don't like it.
It makes me homesick.
It's a familiar pattern for me.
I start missing my parents and my siblings and their awesome kids.
I start thinking about all the friends and family so far away.
I start thinking about all the holidays and birthdays and football games and baptisms and celebrations we've missed.
I start longing for those gorgeous mountains.
Today he sends me these pictures!
Now all I can think about is how beautiful that spot will be in a few weeks when it is painted with the colors of autumn.
Knowing I probably won't be seeing those mountains anytime soon, I decided to do what I always do when I get homesick.
I grabbed my camera and a thermos of coffee (o.k., actually it was creamer with a little coffee), and I took off in my car to remind myself why I'm happy right where God put me!
I might not have mountains anymore, but there's something quite special about this place I call home.